Unfortunately I am not very well at the moment indeed I am writing this blog from my sick bed.

Earlier in the morning my foot started playing up, naturally I wanted to continue working but the infernal health and safety regulations were called into play and yours truly was swiftly sent home to convalesce.

My afternoon has been spent writhing in agony from the pain in my foot. The pain can only be described as like having large needles stuck into me. At one point I thought that for my sins the powers that be had hired a witch doctor to cast a voodoo spell on me indeed my mind filled with the image of a ceremony taking place in the town centre involving a doll similar to myself having pins stuck in the feet.

Lying around waiting to get better is not in my nature as I prefer to be active. Of course my condition is hopefully temporary and in a few hours I will be back on my feet again however my experience has made me realise just how much modern technology can do to help those who are incapacitated.

Thanks to my laptop and wireless network life can carry on as normal. I can read the news, buy things on eBay, order my shopping and of course publish my blog. For those who can't get out the internet must be a lifeline enabling life to carry on as normal.

Mobile phones enable me to call my doctor or even an ambulance should that be necessary. Of course I can't get to the door to let a doctor into my house but I could always clamber to the bedroom window and drop the door key out.

Luckily I always keep several packets of biscuits and bottles of lemonade in my bedroom for late night bean feasts so I shall use them to keep me going as I can't make it to the kitchen to cook any food at the minute.

It turns out that my new-fangled laptop can play DVD discs which is proving to be very useful. At the minute I am watching some classic 1970's comedy programmes leant to me by my neighbour. Comedy was so much different then before the strangle hold of political correctness came along and ruined everything.

Anyway I'm half way through a carry on movie so I'll stop here and get back to the film.

The only problem with watching comedy programmes when you are in pain is that every laugh is followed by excruciating pain as I am laughing so much that I inevitability end up moving my painful feet.