RAMBLERS have thrown their support behind a campaign to save Holywell Mead outdoor swimming pool.

Mandy Williams, a member of the Wycombe branch of the Ramblers Association, has gathered 66 names to add to the petition being run by the South Bucks Star, a sister newspaper of the Bucks Free Press.

The pool, which has stood in The Rye, High Wycombe, for more than 50 years, is threatened with closure as part of £2m in cutbacks being made by Wycombe District Council.

The Warren Wood Drive resident said: ”The people who have signed this have come from far and wide. They agree with the principle of keeping an open air pool open.

“One of the reasons we moved to the area was the fact there was this pool so close by. It would be a real shame if they were to close it now they have put the new play area in there.

“More could be done on to promote the pool. It's not just there for sunny days, the water is nice and warm as it is heated.”

She added: “I think with the credit crunch people will be staying closer to home this year for holidays, so I think the pool would be quite busy this year.”

Mrs Williams said she has been using the pool since she moved to the area 25-years-ago, and used to take her children there when they were young.

She added: “I just like swimming outdoors. I like the green open spaces, and the fact it is only five minutes from my house means sometimes it is like my own private swimming pool.

“If they get rid of it what will they put in its place? It would be really sad to see it go.”

Nearly 400 people have now added their name to the South Bucks Star's petition to save the pool.

The final decision on whether to approve the budget will be taken at a full council meeting next Thursday.

Click the link to the right to fill out a form and have your say.