For recruitment consultants Joe Moore, Liz Tibbles and James Hitchman, having a good pub near work is a godsend.

They say their charged workdays mean chilling out at lunchtime or after work is a necessity and The Queen's Head in Hazlemere is just the ticket.

Why do you come?
Joe:Like any job we've got our ups and downs and it's really important to take a half-hour and have a beer at lunch or at the end of a long day. It's perfect to chill out here.

What's the food and drink like?
Liz: It's really good I come here most lunchtimes and would eat here every day but it would get a bit expensive. Prices are good though I like the salmon platter for £5, it's really nice. They do nice red wines.

Joe: They only do cider in summer. I like my pint of bitter. The one thing I'd say is they could do with a guest bitter. The beer's always good.

What are the staff like?
Joe: The landlady, Pip Mahdy, is just what you want in a landlady. She's a real character. She sort of bullies you into having a drink and has a really dry sense of humour.

What's your most memorable night here?
Joe: We're usually driving so we don't tend to get lagered up a lot but we'll come in and have a laugh after work.

Liz: They have a really good jazz night and sometimes we'll come straight from work and stay the whole evening. I've had a few good girls' nights out here.

Describe the pub in three words
Liz: Cosy, relaxing and friendly it's like olde worlde comfy but modern at the same time.

Joe: Ambient, accommodating and picturesque.

James: Comfortable, stylish... two will have to do.