THE South Bucks Hospice held their annual Snowdrop Sunday walk at West Wycombe estate last Sunday, February 22 and although the day started with snow the sun came out and many people enjoyed walking through the grounds enjoying the abundance of snowdrops, and many finished off the day with tea and cakes in the church rooms.

Thanks goes to Sir Edward Dashwood for allowing us to hold this event on his beautiful estate and for all those who came to the event and for supporting the hospice.

This event could not run without the help and support of over 25 volunteers who willing give up their Sunday every year to help us, so I would like to say a big thank you to all of those who helped us on the day and we managed to raise £2400 for the hospice, which was a great result.

Fiona Turner, South Bucks Hospice, Amersham Road, High Wycombe.