I READ with sadness in the Bucks Free Press (February 12) of the passing, of the dedicated fundraiser for Wycombe Hospital, Ron Little.

Ron was fondly known as the ‘sweetshop man’ as he volunteered in the charity shop in the hospital for 25 years.

The shop was closed last January and I note that the shop volunteers managed to raise the wonderful sum of £35,000 last year for The League of Friends which provided the hospital with medical and non-medical equipment since 1996.

My question is: How can Wycombe Hospital afford to lose this amount every year, given the parlous lack of cash within the Bucks NHS Trust?

I cannot believe that the coffee shop that replaced the sweetshop generates and passes £35,000 to the hospital; I know their prices are far in excess of the excellent WRVS café but surely not enough to generate that amount of rent?

Richard JC English, Earl Close, High Wycombe.