February 22, 2001 9:50: THE attempt to improve road safety at Wooburn Green by creating a one-way system for traffic is still going round in circles after two years.

After public consultation and local meetings some people are still saying they do not like the solution proposed by the highways department to make life safer for people wanting to cross the roads in the village.

County council highways staff, who want to start on the scheme, are getting fed up with the delays.

Highways officer Ian Duncan explained that since the council had come up with its preferred scheme it had received a petition from residents saying they did not want it.

He said: "We shall have to go out to consultation again. This will be the third time we have done this and we are going round in circles. We need to implement this because accidents are happening there."

The safety scheme involves a one-way clockwise traffic system and four village gateways at Wycombe Lane and Town Lane on the A 4094 and at Whitepit Lane and Holtspur Lane.

Wycombe area traffic manager Mike Knight said: "This is about accidents and connections for old people who can't get across the road.

"A couple of people are strongly against it and are winding people up."

Other aspects include zebra crossings at each end of the A4094 and at Holtspur Lane, three speed reduction tables raised pieces of road round the green a relocated bus stop and a wider pavement on the surgery side of the green.

Mike Appleyard, Bucks county councillor for Wooburn, said people who were worried about traffic speeding up had no need because the speed reduction tables would stop it.

He added that one-way traffic would make it easier for people living round the green and that the scheme had been designed so that the shops would not lose customers.

Cllr Appleyard said: "The shopkeepers are getting a good deal."

The consultation meeting had been attended by 300 people, with 39 per cent of those who filled in the response form in favour of the scheme and 28 per cent wanting the crossing.

The plan has to go out for consultation once again in March.