AS one who is very appreciative of the improved environment in High Wycombe centre, I note with some disappointment the comments of Lorna Cassidy with regard to the new sculpture.>

Sculpture critic disappoints

AS one who is very appreciative of the improved environment in High Wycombe centre, I note with some disappointment the comments of Lorna Cassidy with regard to the new sculpture.

Lorna has contributed much to enhancing our understanding of the High Wycombe heritage. However, the sweeping condemnation of all aspects of the recent changes does not, I'm sure, represent the views of all.

I, for one, am grateful to Wycombe District Council who have successfully blended the best of the old with a contemporary contribution appropriate for the present times.

J Lee

Lucas Road

High Wycombe

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.