CHRISTIAN AID COLLECTION in the village amounted to over £1,180 which was more than last year. Thank you to all who collected and all who donated.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE to increase your understanding of computers you could join up for four basic IT courses in July at the Adult Learning Centre in Bartholomew Tipping Way. Introduction to Computers, spreadsheets, internet and e-mail are offered - the first course being free of charge with a £14 cost for each subsequent course if required. Phone 0845 045 40 40 for more information.

DON'T FORGET you can have a good day out tomorrow at the fete in Mary Towerton School at Studley Green between midday and 3pm. Loads of attractions for the children including a giant slide and bouncy castle and the adults will find plenty to interest them too, including a flying display by model aircraft from Skyline Models of Studley Green.