THERE WILL NOT be a Missionary Coffee Morning at the United Reform Church tomorrow, but there will be a Traidcraft stall in the hall after Morning Worship on Tuesday, August 16.

ON WEDNESDAY the Historical Society will travel to Ham House, the most unique in Europe for survival of 17th century fashion and interior decoration. The 17th century still house and the 18th century dairy are now on view as is the restoration of English formal gardening. This will be an all afternoon outing.

A CREATIVE WRITING workshop will be held at the library on Wednesday from 2pm to 4pm and is for eight to 11 year olds. Tickets are available from the library. Events for younger children will take place on the next three Wednesdays so watch this column.

HOLIDAYS OR NOT, but it is again time to be a blood donor on Thursday at the Beaconsfield School from 2pm to 3.55pm and again from 4.45pm to 6.45pm.

BRITISH FUCHSIA SOCIETY are holding their London Show in Beaconsfield on Sunday, August 14 at the Beaconsfield School. The show will be open from 12.30pm to 4.30pm with entry being £2 or £1 for concessions. This is the oldest fuchsia show in the country and its first year at a new venue so the aim is to make it an extra special show.

There will be classes for everything from large hanging baskets to bonsai, from giant standard to miniatures, with exhibitors from far and near. Fuchsias can vary in size from very large to the minute, in all shades of the rainbow and from white to almost black.

Demonstrations will be given on growing fuchsias and enthusiasts will be there to give information, so you could take that fuchsia that has never had a name.

As well as admiring these flowers you can visit a range of trade stands selling them and a wide variety of crafts and memorabilia. There will be something for everyone. For more details call Carol on 01252 329731.

IF YOU READ the current parish magazine you will have read the following, but in more detail; but I am convinced that these days it could be useful to everyone. A national "In Case of Emergency" (ICE) campaign has been launched by the East Anglian Ambulance Service with the support of well-known Falklands War hero Simon Weston. The suggestion is that you store the Word "ICE" in your mobile's address book, entering numbers of whoever you would want to be contacted in an emergency.

Ambulance and hospital staff could then use this quickly to find your next of kin.

WHAT A WONDERFUL new newsletter from the National Trust Beaconsfield centre. Members are reminded that they need to make their applications by August 19 and full details were enclosed with the newsletter. Prospective new members who would like to know more about this branch of the National Trust should contact Dermot Gallacher on 01494 674359 THERE WILL NOT be a meeting for the Mothers' Union during August.