SPLASH DAYS start at the Longridge Scout Boating Centre in Quarry Wood Road on Monday and continue until Friday. There is plenty to keep youngsters amused on land and water during the summer holidays but urgent funds, estimated at £1.5 million, are now needed to purchase the freehold and secure the future of the centre.

Since 1989 Longridge has been run for the Scout movement by a local consortium for the Bucks and Oxfordshire Scouting movement. The ten-acre site has been operating for around 50 years, attracting Scouts, Guides and school groups to use its facilities by the River Thames.

Following negotiations with the Scouts Association, Longridge operates as an independent Scout Boating Centre Trust, taking it well into the current century. With the finance raised it would continue to operate a unique service where youngsters can learn to canoe, sail, row - or even build a raft to sleep on - to help them develop independence, initiative and team skills.

Summer months always put a focus on Longridge as it holds Splash Days in August where nine to 15-year-olds can learn water and camping skills. So if you would like to contribute to saving the centre, cheques should be made out to Friends of Longridge, Quarry Wood Road, Marlow, SL7 1RE.

Splash days are also being held from 8.45am to 5.15pm during the weeks beginning August 15 and 22. To find out more call 01628 483252.

I DON'T KNOW how long the Puppet Barge has been coming to Marlow but it has been delighting children since 1982. It is now moored on the river in front of Court Garden ready for curtain up tomorrow. Actor Rudolph Walker narrates the great race between The Hare and the Tortoise, as well as other Aesop fables such as The Lion and the Mouse and The Spider and the Gnat and matinees begin tomorrow at 2.30pm and continue daily, except Sundays, until September 2.

Tickets for the matinee performances cost £7 for children and £7.50 for adults.

Throughout August the marionettes will also perform on Saturday evenings at 8pm for a more adult audience. This year the chosen subject is "Out of the Heart of Darkness", a dramatic play inspired by the novella and diaries of Joseph Conrad. Cost for evening performances is £9.50 with concessions £8. Tickets for all performances can be booked by visiting the barge or calling 07836 202 745.

BELL RINGING attempt at All Saints Church in memory of the late captain Eric Silvey was not successful. However the peelers are not giving up and will have another go at the record on Saturday, September 3.

THIS WEEK has seen the inaugural Lighthouse in Marlow project run for children aged five to ten years and organised by Churches Together. Everyone gets the chance to relax on Sunday with a special parish family celebration taking place at Holy Trinity School and offers an opportunity to get together with families from all the local churches. It is at 11am and the religious aspect will be followed by a barbecue or bring-and-share meal.

TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD rests in August and will not hold its regular monthly meeting. However, the ladies are going on a recruitment drive and from next Monday, for a week, will have a display, Go for Five in 2005, in the window of the Information Office in the High Street. If you would like more information about the guild's activities, do call 01628 483285 or 485765.

ALTHOUGH some clubs take a break this month the Mothers' Union, who have been assisting the Lighthouse project this week, will be visiting Mary Sumner House on Thursday between 1.15pm and 4.30pm.

ANOTHER club to maintain continuity is the Horticultural Society. It has its monthly meeting on Tuesday at Liston Hall when Jolyon Lea from Amersham lets the members into The Pleasures of Alpines. Club members are also heavily involved in preparing for its annual show, which will be held in Liston Hall on Saturday, August 27.

TOURIST OFFICE in the High Street is selling pre-show tickets for the Bucks County Show, which is taking place at Weedon Park on Thursday, September 1, and there are discounts if you book before opening day. At the gate tickets are £9 but you get a £2 discount if booked beforehand. There is also a pre-show price of £6 for senior citizens and £5 for children. As well as the animals on show, one of the major attractions this year will be the Household Cavalry's Musical Ride.

TIN RATTLERS will be out in force tomorrow collecting for Age Concern. The Glade Road centre is always anxious to recruit more volunteers who can spare an hour or so each week. Call 01628 482883 if you can help.

CAP'N FATBEARD will be at the Institute Road library on Thursday as part of the library's Reading Voyage. His bloodcurdling chat about pirates begins at 2.30pm and lasts an hour. Pre-booking is advised; the cost is 50p.

TICKETS are limited for the talk on Horatio Nelson that will be given by David Williams at the United Reformed Church on Saturday, September 24. The talk celebrates the bi-centenary of the Battle of Trafalgar. Mr Williams has worked at the National Maritime Museum and has also presented programmes on Nelson on Channel 4. Tickets cost £10 and include canaps and wine from 01628 528563.

LATEST Community Voice from Wycombe District Council highlights the new Bucks on line web service, which now brings together all services, council contacts and maps in one place. If you have not received Community Voice it is available at the Area Information Office in the High Street. To access the information go to www.bucksonline.gov.uk COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION'S Tea Dance comes around again and all are invited to Liston Hall on Thursday at 2.30pm. As well as music to dance to, there is also an excellent tea for £1.