"PLOTTERS" which should have great appeal to gardeners, is the title of the "Theatre in the Village" production on Saturday, October 1. Before the tickets run out be sure to get yours or miss a treat. Ann on 01494 880421 has them and they cost £15, to include the cost of the meal. The price is £13 for concessions. The evening starts at 6.45pm and should finish by 10.30pm.

ALSO, butmainly for the children this time, on Thursday, October 6, there's a performance of "Storm in a Teacup" based on "The Tempest" by WS. It is a one-man show aimed at families with children between five and 12 years old. Food will be served at 4.45pm for the children. Get tickets from Ann on 01494 880421 at £6 for children and £8 for adults.

ANNUAL HARVEST Auction at the Prince Albert is at 7.30pm on Sunday. Donations of produce and bric-a-brac welcomed. All money is for village institutions.