HATHA YOGA CLASSES are available on Sundays, having just re-started after the summer break. They take place from 5pm to 6pm upstairs at the Royal British Legion. Contact Amanda on 01494 446232 for details.

A FUND RAISING BALL is being organised by the local Riding Club. It takes place on Saturday, October 15 at the Uplands Conference Centre in Cryers Hill. Tickets are £45 each and if you can raise a table of ten friends then substantial discounts are available. The ball is raising funds for the High Wycombe Riding Club, which is a local community based club affiliated to the British Horse Society. The organisers are looking for donations of raffle prizes and any contributions to their Auction of Promises. If you would like to make a booking or find out more about this event contact Keira Bentley on 077999414600.

FESTIVAL OF CAROLS is to be held at the Swan Theatre on Sunday, December 4 at 4.30pm and 8pm. Tickets are £6.50 each (concessions £3.50) and proceeds go to the Mayor's Appeal. Tickets can be obtained from the Swan Box office after October 11.

VOLUNTEER FOCUS has its AGM on Wednesday, October 5 at midday in the Environment Centre on The Rye at midday. The meeting will also include the launch of the National Centre Branding in Wycombe District. There will be a buffet lunch following the meeting.

Please let Volunteer Focus know if you are attending to help with the catering. You can ring Sue Berry on 01494 451700.

BETTY BARRATT MBE, former Mayor of High Wycombe and chairman of Wycombe District Council, will have the honour of unveiling the wall plaque on behalf of Scannappeal's Breast Cancer Appeal at a reception in the Medical Education Centre at Wycombe Hospital on Wednesday at 6.30pm. The event is to mark the conclusion of the £100,000 Breast Cancer Equipment Appeal. Scannappeal thanks those many organisations and individuals who have supported their appeal. All major donors have been invited to the reception. Betty Barratt is also a volunteer with Scannappeal and she too has suffered from cancer, this will be a milestone for Scannappeal. Breast cancer Awareness Week takes place during October and Scannappeal are delighted to have reached their target in time for this special week.

BREATHE EASY Buckinghamshire have been awarded third place for their colourful, and interesting newsletter. This annual award covers all Breathe Easy groups and in the past the Buckinghamshire group have received a first and two seconds. It is a very entertaining newsletter. Their chairman Angie Lockwood can be contacted on 01494 527062.