TODAY CADMORE END School has an open day between 1pm and 3pm. If you have a child who will be starting school in this coming school year why not go along and have a look around. The school staff would like to know if you are going, so please phone them on 01494 881460 first thing.

A REMINDER to keep an hour free next Saturday to visit Grays Dormer for tea and cakes, at the fundraising sale there starting at 1pm. Donations of bric-a-brac, jumble and books would be most welcome. Phone 01494 881949 if you need further details.

HARVEST AUCTION takes place on Sunday at the sports ground club house. Proceeds will be going to youth sport. The bar opens at 6pm and the auction starts at 8pm. Everyone is welcome and there will be lots of wonderful produce to bid for, all in a very good cause.

ON MONDAY the speaker for the evening WI meeting represents the National Trust and the subject will be "A Shepherd's Life". The meeting, in the Sycamore Room, starts at 8pm and visitors are always welcome.

LANE END Pop-In is open as usual at the Methodist Church on Monday morning between 9.30am and midday. Coffee, biscuits and a friendly chat will be available.

THE TWINNERS would like to invite you to their next meeting on Wednesday evening in the village hall, where you can enjoy nibbles and a drink. You will be able to find out more about the plans for the coming year, the advantages of twinning, especially for the young people. You might like to consider joining the committee?