THESE DAYS we all know of someone who has cancer and you could do something to help by supporting the village Macmillan Coffee Morning on Thursday next from 9.30am to midday in the Methodist Church Hall, with cake stall, soft toys, raffle and bring & buy. Hope to see you there.

JAZZ NIGHT with Melodic Jazz, featuring vocalist Jackie Highe will be in full swing on Saturday, October 1 at 8pm in the Stokenchurch Centre Youth Annexe. Tickets £5 at the door. Bar and raffle.

MANY THANKS to all those who supported the Memorial Hall Social Club's Harvest Festival last weekend. A very useful £564.25 was made in aid of the hall's restoration fund and some building work will start on October 26.

HARVEST FESTIVAL on Sunday at the Methodist Church at 9.30am will be receiving gifts of dried foods for the Street Children Pro Deo, a charity supported locally which helps desperately poor children and their families in Romania and Moldovia. Suitable offerings include rice, pasta, flour, sugar, pulses.

NEXT SURGERY to be held by our community beat officer will be on Friday next week from 6-8pm in the new police office in front of the Positive Steps Nursery.