A MAN wearing a German football shirt was punched in the face in High Wycombe’s High Street after England were beaten 4-1 on Sunday.

The 31-year-old – who is thought to be English – was assaulted at 5pm but was reportedly not injured.

Police spokesman Alice Adderley said: “An unknown male punched the aggrieved in the face. There was no visible injury and he doesn’t want to pursue any complaint.”

The victim is believed to have watched the Second Half of the game at the Antelope pub, in Church Square.

Manager Shane Mcdougall said the man got a ‘bit excited’ after England went 4-1 down. Staff offered him a different T-shirt which he refused, and they then asked him to leave for his own safety, which he did.

Mr Mcdougall said there was a good atmosphere in the pub with fans consoling each other.