THIS column takes a flying leap into the unknown today by democratically printing two campaign forms (see Midweek July 13) to cater for readers with opposing views about High Wycombe’s pigeons.

As you may know, I am vehemently opposed to Wycombe District Council’s plan to cull them. And so in time-honoured tradition of this newspaper I have printed a protest coupon for readers to fill in to support me.

I hope animal-loving residents of this area will back me in droves to try to halt the council’s stated aim of trapping and then executing birds to lower the population in the town centre.

However, the council points out it has had a degree of public support for the plan, which it has now approved and intends to implement later this year.

We know that people hate pigeons pooping on their heads, cars and public buildings, and there is also a suggestion their droppings could create a serious public health risk.

Even in the Midweek office, we are split on this issue. So, I’m going to play fair by inviting pigeon-hating readers to also fill in their own campaign form (see left).

It’s the first time in this paper’s history we have printed diametrically opposing coupons on the same page, but it’s the only way to do this democratically without ruffling too many feathers.

The only rules are that no photocopies are allowed and that you have to give genuine details.

I don’t hold out high hopes this is going to be a sky-high success, because to my knowledge only four people regularly read this column.

Two of them are local councillors, one is a woman who regularly sends me in jokes and the other is probably a firm of lawyers looking for someone to sue for libel.

I am currently considering asking MI5 to take space in this column to post their secret spy messages, because I could guarantee confidentiality if it’s published here.

But back to the pigeons. I hope you will support me and send in your coupons to save them. I was going to call my campaign Don’t Obliterate Pigeons Ever. But then I realised it would be shortened to DOPE so I gave up on that.

* Send in your forms by Monday July 19 and I will pass on your feedback to the council.