FOR the first time in years, I am feeling genuinely optimistic about this once great nation and our chances of recovering our lost status as a world leader – a status that has been so pitifully squandered by a succession of useless politicians.

The reason for my sunny outlook is purely down to a fine young man called Prince William who announced this week he is to marry his girlfriend.

Over the years, we’ve all become terribly cynical about the circus surrounding the Royal Family.

But in William, we genuinely have a first-class world statesman. He is only young but has already immense stature and I can’t help but feel his father should step aside for him when the wonderful Queen eventually passes on.

William possesses the best qualities of both old-fashioned decency and modern forward-thinking openness. Charles tries his best and is a clever earnest chap but he’s rather past his sell-by date as a sovereign, don’t you think, and he might do better by taking on a Queen Mum type role. ‘King’s Dad’ doesn’t quite roll off the tongue, but you know what I mean.

And don’t underestimate the Royal Family’s importance please. The Queen has made an immense contribution to the UK and is an embodiment of this nation’s heartbeat. The person succeeding her has a very tough act to follow.

Watching William this week, I realised for the first time he is indeed that person. His monarchy could be our finest hour, and Charles – for all his decency and obvious intellect – could best serve this country by announcing his eldest son is now first in line.