SO the state of our roads in Bucks is all Labour’s fault is it? That’s what Tory Cllr Martin Tett, new leader of Buckinghamshire County Council said this week, blaming lack of investment from the previous government for our pothole-battered roads.

Well, he would say that, wouldn’t he.

And to be fair, he’s probably got a point to some degree or another. But am I the only one who rolls my eyeballs at the abandon with which this blame game gets played?

Cllr Tett’s predecessor, Cllr David Shakespeare, regularly said the annual council budget cuts were, basically, Labour’s fault as well. Is it just me or does it all seem a bit cynical. In fact, that’s exactly what makes people so fed up with politics these days – it feels like laying the blame is more important than actually fixing things.

We know we are in dire financial straits after all – and the Coalition’s plan to navigate us out of these choppy waters has not exactly been plain sailing so far.

We hope Cllr Tett is the man for the job and we certainly wish him well – you have to admire his fighting talk over the High Speed railway threatening to bulldoze through the Chilterns.

It would just be nice for us all if the default setting for our politicians wasn’t simply to blame the last government for everything that’s going wrong.

A well-worn phrase about living in glass houses springs to mind.