I HAVE been penning this column for so long that even I don’t recall when it began. Probably around the time of Crimea, methinks. So that’s why I reckon it’s best I take a break, perhaps temporary, perhaps forever, to recharge my batteries.

My day is over and I need to give way. I have fought many epic fights and feel my greatest victory is close at hand – the creation of a single unitary council in Bucks to replace the daft multi-tiered system that has confused us all for so long.

In recent times, there has been a dramatic sea-change with politicians agreeing with my call for change. It’s now just a matter of when and not if.

But I can’t help thinking writers such as me are prehistoric and that we too need to change to reflect society. That’s not a criticism of anyone, just a fact.

In the last couple of years, we have seen the internet take off and go into orbit. Our politicians used to regard the press as a minor irritant, and joke that our articles were next week’s fish and chip wrappings.

They can’t do this with the net and, although the web has many faults, it has in my view improved our democracy and accountability. The movers and shakers are much more likely to be moved and shaken by new media than crusties such as myself. So that’s why I’ve given way for the moment as a BFP columnist, while reserving my right to try to stage a return.

I shall miss you all. But as that famous movie muscleman once said: “I vill be back.” Or alternatively I might end up as governor of California – or mayor of Bucks.

Bye for now.

NEXT WEEK – introducing Ivor the internet ‘Man of Mystery’