I WAS pleased to read your article in the January 6 edition of the BFP about tackling prostate cancer ‘the silent killer’ and promoting the work of the Chilterns Prostate Cancer Support Group.

We have more than 200 members in South Bucks, including patients, their loved ones and urology healthcare professionals.

As well as providing comfort and support to existing and newly-diagnosed patients, we also raise awareness of the disease throughout our area, as part of a nationwide network of support groups. Too many men – more than 10,000 each year in the UK – are dying of prostate cancer, often prematurely through ignorance of the disease until it is too late for effective early diagnosis and treatment.

By coincidence, in your letters column Mike Cole praised the wonderful service he received from the Urology Ward at Wycombe Hospital when he recently suffered an acute bladder problem.

Last year our members helped to save the ward by lobbying MPs and through your pages. We continue to work very closely with ward staff to help tackle this silent killer and the many people affected by it.

Mike Basnett CBE, Chairman, Chilterns Prostate Cancer Support Group