IT is curious why certain strands of evangelical Christianity in particular have become so obsessed with regard to same-sex relationships.

Indeed, there is a rift within the Anglican Communion over the matter.

And yet, the Gospels do not record any teaching by our Lord on this, though he did roundly condemn the breaking of marriage vows.

Later, St Paul included ‘gay’ activity as one of the ‘nasty’ things which occur as a consequence of rejecting God.

One can but conjecture what Jesus would have said if a same-sex couple had been brought before him at that well, instead of the adulteress.

The moralists of the day would have been only too eager to cast their stones.

So where does this leave us?

Whether we consider ourselves to be ‘atheistic’, ‘Christian’, or something else, we will just have to think it out for ourselves.

If it is deemed to be wrong that same-sex couples should have their love acknowledged and sanctified, if they so wish, then what is acceptable?

Andrew Ross, Harlow Road, High Wycombe