‘BEING agreeable’ is key to a long marriage according to John and Pat Wright who are celebrating their golden wedding anniversary today.

The pair met at the former Westbourne Street youth club in High Wycombe and got married on September 15, 1962 before John joined the Armed Forces.

The pair went on to have three children, Paul, Nicola and Mark, and three grandchildren and live in Melbourne Rd, Micklefield.

John trained as an upholsterer by trade but later worked as the manager of a furniture store in West Wycombe for many years. His wife initially worked as a sewing machinist but gave up work after the birth of their first child.

John joked: "I’d say she hasn’t worked for years but she’s glaring at me and saying raising the children was work!"

They are both members of the darts team at the Flackwell Legion, enjoy playing badminton and going fishing, although John says Pat is usually better at fishing than him.

They also have their own interests, John is passionate about art and painting while Pat enjoys cake-making and needlework.

The pair have lived in Bucks all their lives and John says he can trace his family tree back 300 years to show his ancestors in the Wycombe area.

John said: "It’s been up and down, we tend to agree on most things but do have some arguments like everyone does. We still care for each other though.

"My wife’s been lucky to be in good health, I’ve had a few problems but you’ve got to be positive haven’t you."

The pair say they "don’t want a big party" and are celebrating their anniversary by going for a meal with their children and grandchildren at the Bull Inn in Bisham.