TENANTS battling to save a contaminated allotments site from closure have been given a glimmer of hope by council bosses.

Cllr Katrina Wood has given Bassetsbury Lane Allotments a stay of execution after deciding against putting a recommendation for closure before Wycombe District Council’s Cabinet next week.

The Cabinet member for Community said she “recognised the depth of feeling over this issue” and vowed to explore ideas raised by tenants.

But she warned WDC still cannot get insurance for the site - including from the tenants’ suggested National Society of Allotment & Leisure Gardeners - and ruled out the “extremely costly” remediation option, quoted at almost £1m.

She said: “I have delayed taking a report recommending permanent closure to Cabinet until we have explored the points raised by tenants in the recent meeting.

“We now know the tenants’ suggested insurance source, NSALG, will not provide cover for a contaminated site and we are awaiting responses on other points.”

Cllr Wood added WDC was committed to providing affordable allotments and other new site options “identified through funding” would be decided by the High Wycombe Town Committee.

Cllr Trevor Snaith hailed the council’s decision to hold fire and is pressing for a public consultation over the site’s future.

He said: “I praise the council’s decision and Cllr Wood for realising putting it before May’s Cabinet was premature.

“As a result of the press coverage and the Facebook campaign, a number of organisations around the UK have given up their time out of the goodness of their heart to try and come up with a solution.

“I have also asked for a full consultation as there are a number of people who would like to be involved in what happens to that land.”