Every year Stony Dean have their Christmas fayre. They do it to raise money for projects and for the school. Parents come to the school and play games, buy food and win prizes with the raffle tickets. All the money goes to the school.

I asked some questions to the member staff who runs the Christmas fayre, Beccy Hatch.

What is the fayre raising money for this year?

“We are raising money to pay for the new swing in the adventure playground.”

Why is the fayre a good way to raise money?

“Because we hope for lots of people to come to the fayre, who would want to pay money to play games, stalls to buy gifts and prize to be won in the raffle.”

What can we expect from the fayre?

“We have lots of stalls this year with fun festive games, we have a new stall called elfridges gift shop to buy gifts for family and friends as well as refreshments, music and lots of fun. Also, Year 11 and Sixth Form have enterprise stalls.”

I think it’s a good way to raise money for the school and to celebrate Christmas and they are trying to make the school a fun, learning place. They have refreshments like cupcakes, squash and hot chocolate. They also have fun games like guess the jar and amazing prizes in the raffle. The raffle is when you buy raffle tickets and if you have the number that the teachers call out, you win a prize. Overall, I think it will be good for our school community to socialise, work together and have fun with family and friends.