Stony Dean School hold a big whole school assembly at the end of every term to allow our students to showcase their talents. This can include singing, telling jokes, stories, poems and much more. At the end of this term, we are holding a magical Easter assembly off of our school site to celebrate this term’s achievements and come together as a school community. I spoke to the form tutors of various year groups to find out what they will be presenting this term and I also spoke to Mrs Mulcahy who arranges everything and makes it come together every term!

Why do we have an Easter Assembly?

“It is used to bring the whole school together as a community and enjoy each other’s talents.” - Mrs Mulcahy

What is your favourite thing about the Easter Assembly?

“For me it is the variety of talents within the school and the creative performances that each year group put together.” - Mrs Mulcahy

What are your plans for Year 10’s performance for the Easter Assembly?

“The plan for this year’s performance is Easter jokes. Three students have researched their own jokes and will be role playing telling them to each other rather than just saying them to the audience” – Mr Brameld

What are the plans for Sixth Form for the Easter Assembly?

“Sixth form are doing a reading on how people can make the world a nicer place by using their good qualities more, like generosity and kindness.” – Miss Keighran

What are your plans for Year 7’s performance for the Easter Assembly?

“The history of the Easter egg. There will be 5 students and some staff reading a part each. ” - Mrs Howsley

The students and staff are all very excited to see all these amazing talents and performances. I am most excited for the year 10 performance because I love jokes and I am one of the performers! I am especially exhilarated to see the younger year groups begin to make memories of these events that will last for a lifetime.