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Claytons Primary School

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Claytons Primary School
Wendover Road
Bourne End

tel. 01628 525277
fax. 01628 552779

e-mail: office@claytons.bucks.sch.uk

Claytons Primary School is situated in Bourne End, South Bucks. We have approximately 320 children on role and have an attached nursery.

For Education Awareness Week (18th - 22nd June 2007) we have decided to look at edcuation in the past, present and future.

The younger children in the school are looking at education in the present; what happens in their classrooms now, how we teach them, what kinds of things they learn?

Our children in year 3 and 4 are looking at Education in the Future; what will classrooms look like in 2050, what will the curriculum be? Year 5 and 6 are looking at Education in the Past.

On Monday 18th June the children in year 5 and 6 are dressing up in victorian clothes and spending the day in a victorian classroom, with slats and old fashioned ink wells!

The children will be thinking about different topics within their education in the past, present or future, such as uniforms, teachers, equipment, discipline, lessons and activities.

We wil be sharing our weeks work with parents during the week of the 25th-29th June with three separate assemblies.

We are hoping to put some of our work up on this site as the week goes by.

We hope you will enjoy looking at what we will have been up to.

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