WIND-power is a seductive topic, as your correspondents Eric Alexander and others (December 21) clearly show.

Only starry-eyed dreamers could imagine it to be of much use, however, to replace our coal, oil and nuclear power stations being recklessly scrapped by our zealous green government.

With its erratic nature, low availability (about 27%), high specific cost due to inherently small units (5 MWe compared with 900+ MWe of a grid power station), and negligible storage possibilities, such an energy source can never be of much use in replacing our National Grid’s 60 GWe or so of peak capacity.

Only those with no experience of power generation could imagine otherwise.

With man-made carbon dioxide such a small component of global warming, our rulers should wake up to the fact that their idiotic posturing on this matter will – if unchecked – ruin this nation.

Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, but a vital component needed to regenerate our atmosphere’s oxygen and to provide us with food, of which more and more will be needed in future to sustain our world’s burgeoning population.

Roderick Taylor, Abbostbrook, Bourne End