RE: The climate change debate that has raged in this paper.

IT’S sad when supposed scientists have such limited horizons as Roderick Taylor displays in his latest letter (‘ Stop idiotic posturing’, December 28).

Talking of carbon dioxide, he can’t raise his sights beyond the biosphere – the zone around the earth’s surface where life occurs. He says the gas is essential to life, which for the biosphere is true.

But increasing amounts of carbon dioxide are escaping from the biosphere. At higher levels they can’t contribute to life, but they can contribute to global warming by increasing the greenhouse effect.

Then there’s his attitude to the authors of Zero Carbon Britain 2030.

They’ve had over 30 years of hands-on experience in developing alternatives to fossil fuel. And they’ve scoured the scientific literature for useful information.

They say that wind power will form a vital part of an energy mix that can deliver a zero-carbon future without recourse to nuclear power. Mr Taylor dismisses them as “starry-eyed dreamers” without reading what they have to say.

No, the starry-eyed dreamers are the ones who believe, despite mounting evidence to the contrary, that we can go on burning fossil fuels without damaging the planet.

Eric Alexander, Dovecot Road, High Wycombe.